March is B Corp month, and we were lucky to recently team up with fellow B Corp, Tilda on its special Ramadan POS project. B Corps are companies that meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability and Tilda is the first rice company in the UK to be B Corp certified.

In celebration of Ramadan, Tilda wanted to create a presence across retail, particularly at the front of the store. To bring a touch of magic to the pallet display, we created an arch which can be quickly assembled around the existing filled pallet. The arch amplifies the Tilda brand and adds visual interest to the store vistas.

The unit was designed to fit into an outer for a small car boot making it easy for merchandisers to transport. The unit is also fully recyclable to fit with Tilda’s environmental ethos.

Ramadan this year began on Monday 11th March 2024 and will end on Tuesday 9th April 2024.

Joy Powell